March 27, 2023
At Greenlake Kids Dentistry, our top priority is the safety and well-being of both patients and staff. Our team undergoes annual training on infection control protocols through Harris Biomedical ( Our safety officer attends quarterly compliance meetings to ensure that we adhere to all State and Federal regulations and recommendations preventing the spread of potentially contagious diseases. We are well-prepared to function in the current health environment.
With the end of Washington State mask mandates beginning April 3rd, 2023, patients, visitors, and staff when not performing clinical procedures, are no longer required to wear a mask in the clinic. However, masks will still be available for those who choose to wear one, as we prioritize the safety and comfort of everyone who enters our facility. We are asking for partnership from our families to help maintain the highest possible levels of safety and health for fellow patients and staff.
- Our staff in contact with patients in patient care areas of the clinic will continue to wear PPE that meets or exceeds the current State and Federal requirements and guidelines.
- All office areas, including patient care and waiting areas, are thoroughly disinfected multiple times throughout the day.
- Employees with symptoms of illness are instructed to stay home until they have fully recovered from all symptoms.
- Patients are asked to reschedule their upcoming appointment if they exhibit symptoms of illness, such as a fever over 100 degrees, a positive Covid or Influenza test, sore throat, or stomach illness.
- Patients and family members who enter the clinic exhibiting signs of illness, including cough, runny nose, or fever, will be asked to leave and have their appointments rescheduled for at least 14 days later.
We recognize that every family and individual have their own unique circumstances and considerations when it comes to their health and safety. Therefore, we want to assure you that we respect and support whichever decision your family makes regarding masking. Greenlake Kids Dentistry will continue to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Feel free to contact us prior to your child’s appointment if you have any concerns or require special accommodation. Private rooms are prioritized and reserved for restorative, palliative, emergency, and surgical procedures, as well as patients with special needs. Please note that these rooms are not available for reservation for other purposes.
Dr. Hull and the entire GKD Team
Greenlake Kids Dentistry
6900 E. Green Lake Way N #H
Seattle, WA 98115