When and Why?

We feel very strongly that every child should visit the dentist at an early age.  There are many reasons for this, but none more important than teaching a child not to fear the dentist.  The younger a child is when introduced to the dental office, the easier it is for them to develop a positive association with it.  Another very important reason is the chance we can detect and manage early signs of oral disease or abnormalities before they become a more difficult problem to solve.  Last, it provides parents with the resources and education to give their child the very best chance of growing up with a bright and healthy smile.  Reasons like these have lead the most respected professional organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Dental Association, to recommend that a child makes their first trip to the dentist by his/her 1st birthday.  Since it is highly variable when kids will get their first teeth, a better gauge is to schedule an appointment 6 months after the first teeth come in.  For most this is between 1 and 1 and a half years old.

New Patients:

New Patients, welcome to Greenlake Kids Dentistry, we can’t wait to meet you! Before your first appointment we need to know a bit more about your family. Please click the link below to complete a New Patient Forms Packet. For new families with multiple children, please complete a New Patient Forms Packet for your oldest child. Return to this screen and complete a Health History for each additional child.

To provide you the best care possible, please have your New Patient Packet and additional Health History forms completed 48 hours before your appointment date.

New Patient Forms Packet

Health History