
Teeth can be painful for many reasons, but it is usually an indication that there is active disease in your child’s tooth that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.  If left untreated, a toothache can progress to an abscess and infection, potentially spreading beyond the mouth causing significant swelling and illness.

Dental/facial trauma:

Chipped/Broken Tooth:  Depending on the extent of injury, this can cause a very sensitive tooth.  It can occasionally result in the nerve becoming infected.  This is a condition that should be discussed with our doctor as soon as possible to determine the appropriate course of action.

Knocked out permanent tooth:  This is a very serious emergency that requires IMMEDIATE treatment!  If the tooth is recovered and in one piece, the best chance it has of surviving is to immediately replace it in the place it came from.  To do this, do not handle the tooth by the root (the part above/below the gum line).  If there is visible dirt and debris, rinse it under water while holding it by the crown (the part of tooth visible in the mouth).  Then, using firm and quick pressure, place it back in to the hole it came from.  Bite lightly on a washcloth, cotton rag, etc. to hold it in place.  Phone for assistance immediately.

Knocked out baby tooth: There is no chance to save a baby tooth once it had been knocked out.  Do not attempt to replace it, as it may cause damage to the permanent tooth that will replace it as your child gets older.  Call our office as soon as possible to discuss the best way to care for this.

Cut or Bitten cheek, tongue, lip, gums: Apply pressure to stop or slow the bleeding. If the wound is severe or doesn’t stop bleeding in 1-2 hours, call our office or go to the Emergency Room at the hospital immediately. The wound may require stitches to stop the bleeding, prevent infection and to help it properly heal.


This is a sign of an infected tooth or gums.  It will require treatment to heal the infection.  Treatment possibilities include the use of antibiotics to control the spread of infection, and removal of the diseased tooth/teeth.


Some bleeding is to be expected after having a tooth removed or injuries to the mouth and teeth, and may occasionally occur after cavities have been fixed with fillings or silver crowns.  If unusual or sustained bleeding occurs, place damp cotton gauze firmly over the bleeding area and bite down or hold in place for fifteen minutes.  Repeat as necessary.  This can also be accomplished with a tea bag.  Tea has blood-clotting properties and has been used for many generations to treat excessive bleeding.